Halo Costuming Wiki

Aby pomóc nowo przybyłym w kostiumach Halo, zebraliśmy wszystkie nasze znane pliki Pepakury, które moglibyśmy zamieścić tutaj. == kj↵Dla niewtajemniczonych najlepiej jest zdobyć zestaw podstawowych elementów i je wykonać, a następnie zestaw dowolnych żądanych permutacji. Będziesz i tak chciał ćwiczyć ...minandenlacanuasuangminandesanguaua

We ask that you don't delete anything here. People put a lot of effort into this, and deleting or defacing their work will get your IP perma-banned. If something is missing or there's a broken link, make a note of it on the talk page. Please don't post other people's work and try to take credit for it; doing so will result in a ban. As this is a Halo Costuming wiki, all content needs to be about HALO COSTUMING only. A Halo dior

ama pdo might be neat, but it won't help the people that come here to find armor to build.

Be respectful, and have fun.

WE LOVE BUNGIE AND 343!!!!!!!!!!!!

Halo Pepakura Database[]

Due to many files here now having dead links, and the difficulty of finding individual files amongst forum threads, a Database has been created to collate these files into a singular, easy to access location. It's basically a one-stop-shop for all Halo related pepakura files.

You can access this Database at one of the following links:

THIS LINK REQUIRES AN ACCOUNT AT THE 405TH FORUM (Suggested Method): http://www.405th.com/file-archive.php

THIS LINK REQUIRES OWNERS PERMISSION: http://www.4shared.com/folder/CCB_6QwQ/405th_Pepakura_Database.html

Pass the word...

UNSC Marine Corps armor[]

  • Halo: Combat Evolved Marines Armor

Halo: Combat Evolved Marines reference pictures

H1 marine helmet GARLAND [dropbox.com Mirror] Helmet by GARLAND

H1 marine chest GARLAND

[dropbox.com Mirror] Torso by GARLAND

H1 marine right shoulder GARLAND [dropbox.com Mirror] Right Shoulder Plate by GARLAND
H1 marine left shoulder GARLAND [dropbox.com Mirror] Left Shoulder Plate by GARLAND
H1 marine right shin GARLAND [dropbox.com Mirror] Left Leg by GARLAND
H1 marine left shin GARLAND [dropbox.com Mirror] Right Leg by GARLAND
H1 marine forearm GARLAND [dropbox.com Mirror] Forearm by GARLAND
H1 marine thigh plates GARLAND [dropbox.com Mirror] Thigh Plates by GARLAND

Halo 3 Marines Armor[]

Halo 3 Marines reference pictures

  • (These guys are freaking bad-a**!!!)
H3marine vrogy helmet [dropbox.com Mirror] Helmet by VROGY
H3marine vrogy chest [dropbox.com Mirror] Torso by VROGY
H3marine vrogy greaveright [dropbox.com Mirror] Right Knee by VROGY
H3marine vrogy greaveleft [dropbox.com Mirror] Left Knee by VROGY
H3marine vrogy shoulder [dropbox.com Mirror] Shoulder by VROGY

H3marine vrogy boot

[dropbox.com Mirror] Shin by VROGY
H3marine vrogy elbow [dropbox.com Mirror] Elbow by VROGY

Halo 3 Naval Pilot (Marine Variant) Armor[]

UNSC Naval Pilot.

UNSC Naval Pilot Helmet [Mediafire.com Mirror] Helmet Model by Vincenzo

Halo 2 ODST Armor[]

I can haz old skool ODST? yez u can

ODST H2 HELM RUZE789 [4shared.com Mirror]
by RUZE789
ODST H2 SHOULDER RUZE789 [4shared.com Mirror]
Upper Arm Shoulder
by RUZE789
ODST H2 TORSO TOP RUZE789 [4shared.com Mirror]
Upper Torso
by RUZE789
ODST H2 TORSO LOWER RUZE789 [4shared.com Mirror]
Lower Torso
by RUZE789
ODST H2 LEG RIGHT RUZE789 [4shared.com Mirror]
Right Shin
by RUZE789
ODST H2 LEG LEFT RUZE789 [4shared.com Mirror]
Left Shin
by RUZE789
ODST H2 KNIFE RUZE789 [4shared.com Mirror]
by RUZE789

by Nuvious

Halo 3: ODST ODST Helmet[]

Halo 3: imágenes de referencia del casco ODST ODST

ODST HELM NZ-TK [4shared.com Mirror]
ODST Helmet
by NZ-TK

Halo 3: ODST - High Detail ODST Pepakura (Rookie Helmet)[]

Kirrou hd odst rookie helmet [4shared mirror] HD Rookie ODST Helmet by Kirrou
Kirrou tester rookie helme [4shared mirror] Tester for HD Rookie ODST Helmet by Kirrou
Kirrou hd odst shoulder pep [4shared mirror] HD ODST Shoulder Plate Single Piece by Kirrou
Kirrou hd odst shoulder pep [4shared mirror] HD ODSTShoulder Plate w/ Hinge*by Kirrou
Kirrou hd odst chest tmb [4shared mirror] HD ODST Chest Plate by Kirrou
Kirrou hd odst stomach pre [4shared mirror] HD ODST Center Plate by Kirrou

Halo 3: ODST Armor (Orbital Drop Shock Trooper)[]

Dropping feet first into Hell

works for 6' 0

Avatorodst3 [A4 4shared.com mirror] [Letter 4shared.com mirror] Rookie ODST Helmet by RUNDOWN


[4shared.com Mirror] Standard shoulder Model by Nightshade
Dutchbutton2 [A4 4shared.com Mirror] [Letter 4shared.com Mirror]Dutch ODST Helmet by RUNDOWN


[4shared.com Mirror] Sniper Shield Model by Nightshade
Chestplatebig [4shared.com Mirror] Chest Plate v.3 Model by Nightshade


[4shared.com Mirror] Belt Buckle Model by Nightshade
Naterodgersrightsideplatev3 [4shared.com Mirror] Right Side Plate v.3 Model by Nightshade
Naterodgersleftsideplatev3 [4shared.com Mirror] Left Side Plate v.3 Model by Nightshade
Centerequiptmentplatev3 [4shared.com Mirror] Center Plate v.3Model by Nightshade

ODST Crotch Plate

[4shared.com Mirror] Crotch Plate Model by Nightshade
ODST Sniper Goggles [4shared.com Mirror] Sniper Goggles Model by Nightshade


[4shared.com Mirror] ODST Torso Model by Nightshade

[4shared.com Mirror] ODST Left Thigh Model by Nightshade

Odst gauntlet [4shared.com Mirror] ODST Gauntlet Model By jason225

Halo: Ghosts of Onyx: novel - Semi-Powered Infiltration Armor[]

Semi-Powered-Infiltration armor. Spartan III armor.

SPI-Rundown [A4/Letter 4shared Mirror] SPI helmetby RUNDOWN

Halo: REACH MJOLNIR Mark V Armor[]

The best costume

You can leave that lone wolf stuff behind

Reachcommander [Letter/A4 - FileIce.net] Noble-6 Helmet Model by RUNDOWN
[4shared.com] Reach Spartan III Armor Model by RUNDOWN

For armor links look through this thread [A thread on 405th.com]

Halo Wars MJOLNIR Mark IV Armor[]


[4shared Mirror A4][4shared Mirror Letter] [4shared Mirror Letter By Brain__Cancer] Mark IV Helmet by RUNDOWN
Mark IV Chest Armor
[PD3 Hotfile Mirror][PD2 405th Mirror] Chest RD by Robby and BenStreeper
9-1 [4shared Mirror] Chest HD Modeled and unfolded by Agbates


[Google Mirror] Torso Tester Model by Agbates unfolded by SoullessSin
Mark IV Forearm Thumbnail [PD3 Hotfile Mirror] Forearm by Robby with BenStreeper unfolded by Major Pain

Agbates MK IV Right Shoulder

[PD3 Google Mirror] Right Shoulder Model by Agbates unfolded by SoullessSin
Agbates MK IV Left Shoulder [PD3 Google Mirror] Left Shoulder Model by Agbates unfolded by SoullessSin

Mark IV Bicep and Shoulder

[Hotfile Mirror] Left Bicep/Shoulder Model by Skwisdemon and Bevbor Unfold by Major Pain

Halo: Combat Evolved MJOLNIR Mark V Armor[]

Ahhh, the good old days. Mark V (Halo 1) Armor Reference Pictures

For the newer, "HD" helmet that appears as a permutation in Halo 3, follow this link: Pepakura File Index#Mark V (High_Detail)

MKV helmet MOZ [4shared.com Mirror] Helmet by MOZ
MKV helmet rundown [4shared.com Mirror] HD Helmet by RUNDOWN
MKV backpack MOZ [4shared.com Mirror] Backpack by MOZ
MKV chest MOZ [4shared.com Mirror] Chest by MOZ
MKV belt MOZ [4shared.com Mirror] Codpiece by MOZ

MKV stomach MOZ

[4shared.com Mirror] Abs Plate by MOZ
MKV rightbicep MOZ [4shared.com Mirror] Right Bicep by MOZ
MKV leftbicep MOZ [4shared.com Mirror] Left Bicep by MOZ
MKV rightforearm MOZ [4shared.com Mirror] Right Forearm by MOZ
MKV leftforearm MOZ [4shared.com Mirror] Left Forearm by MOZ
MKV rightboot MOZ [4shared.com Mirror] Right Boot by MOZ
MKV leftboot MOZ [4shared.com Mirror] Left Boot by MOZ
MKV rightthigh MOZ [4shared.com Mirror] Right Thigh by MOZ
MKV leftthigh MOZ [4shared.com Mirror] Left Thigh by MOZ

Halo 3 MJOLNIR Mark VI Armor[]

Mark VI: High Detail parts[]

These are more detailed versions of the Normal Detail files below. It's suggested that you build the Normal Detail versions before you move up to High Detail. You might notice some parts are not in the HD section so you might have to use some from the normal parts and detail with some body filler. (These are MUCH better than normal but take a little but more patience.)

Mjolnir Mark VI Reference Pictures

(HD)MKVI Helmet Rundown [dropbox.com Mirror] [4shared.com Mirror] by RUNDOWN
MKVI-DF4L [4shared.com Mirror] by DANNIFOOD4LESS


[Mediafire.com] Chest by FLYING SQUIRL


[Mediafire.com Mirror] Model by ROBOGENESIS unfolded by RAL PARTHA
MKVI HD FOREARM RIGHT NUGGET LETTER [Mediafire.com Mirror] Model by NUGGET unfolded by RAL PARTHA


[Mediafire.com Mirror] Model by NUGGET unfolded by RAL PARTHA
MKVI HD RightHandPlate Tester ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] Right Hand Plate Tester by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI HD LeftHandPlate Tester ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] Left Hand Plate Tester by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI HD RightHandPlate ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] HD Right Hand Plate by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI HD LeftHandPlate ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] HD Left Hand Plate by ROBOGENESIS
HD Mk VI Codpiece [Mediafire.com Mirror] Codpiece Model by crackhead09
HD Mk VI Right Thigh [Mediafire.com Mirror] HD Right Thigh Model by crackhead09
HD Mk VI Left Thigh [Mediafire.com Mirror] HD Left Thigh Model by crackhead09
HD Mk VI Right Shin

[Mediafire.com Mirror] HD Right Shin Model by crackhead09

[Medifire.com Mirror] Ultra HD Shin Model by Nicktendo

HD Mk VI Left Shin [Mediafire.com Mirror] HD Left Shin Model by crackhead09
MKVI HD RightBoot 2-Piece ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] 2-piece Right Boot by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI HD LeftBoot 2-Piece ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] 2-piece Left Boot by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI HD RightBoot 3-piece ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] 3-piece Right Boot by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI HD LeftBoot 3-Piece ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] 3-piece Left Boot by ROBOGENESIS


[4shared Mirror][4shared Mirror Letter] Halo 2 handplate by RUNDOWN

Mark VI: Normal Detail parts[]

If you finish these normal definition files and still want to improve your costume, try the HD files above.

These files are scaled to Master Chief's proportions. Some may not fit your proportions properly.

A scaling factor of your height in inches is a good approximation of what should fit you- this applies to all parts.

A note on the shoulders- there are two options: 2-piece or 1-piece. The level of detail is the same. The lower portion of the 2-piece is for use with other permutation shoulders- they're to be fitted and worn with the top partof the 2-piece shoulders.can be master chief.

Mjolnir Mark VI Reference Pictures

Under Armor Reference pics can be found there too

(MD)MKVI Helmet Slyfo

[Mediafire.com Mirror] Helmet by SLYFO
(MD)MKVI Right Shoulder Slyfo [Mediafire.com Mirror] Right Shoulder by SLYFO

(MD)MKVI Left Shoulder Slyfo

[Mediafire.com Mirror] Left Shoulder by SLYFO
MKVI Helmet ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] Helmet by ROBOGENESIS


[Mediafire.com Mirror] Chest by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI Right Bicep ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] Right Bicep by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI Left Bicep ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] Left Bicep by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI Right Shoulder ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] Right Shoulder by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI Left Shoulder ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.comm Mirror] Left Shoulder by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI Right Rerebrace ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.comm Mirror] Right Rerebrace by ROBOGENESIS


[Mediafire.com Mirror] Left Rerebrace by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI Right Forearm ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] Right Forearm by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI Left Forearm ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] Left Forearm by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI Right HandPlate ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] Right Hand Plate by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI Left HandPlate ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] Left Hand Plate by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI Pelvis ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] Codpiece by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI Right Cuisse ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] Right Thigh by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI Left Cuisse ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] Left Thigh by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI Right Greave ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] Right Shin by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI Left Greave ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.com Mirror] Left Shin by ROBOGENESIS
MKVI Right Boot ROBOGENESIS [Mediafire.comm Mirror] Right Boot by ROBOGENESIS

[Mediafire.com Mirror] Left Boot by ROBOGENESIS

Mark VI PDF Files for Mac Users[]


Halo 4 MJOLNIR Armor[]

Halo4pepwiki [Mediafire Mirror] Warrior Helmet Modeled by Rundown edited and unfolded by Satchmo III
Halo 4 Helmet [Fileice.net Mirror] Helmet by Harnor Unfolded by Nirvana

[4shared.com Mirror] Helmet by Harnor Unfolded by ODST (See paper-saver above).

MJOLNIR Permutations[]

Mark V (High Detail)[]

This version is from Halo 3's multiplayer.

Old School Halo.

Mark V Helmet Reference Pictures


Caboose says: "In a top 10 list five is better than six....."

Church says: "But we're not in a top ten list!"


For when you really, really need to fight aliens on the surface of your spaceship.

NOTE: you will need to scale the visors separate from the helmet.

EVA Reference Pictures

EVA FACEPLATE SLYFO [4shared.com Mirror] EVA Faceplate by SLYFO


[4shared.com Mirror] Helmet by SLYFO


[4shared.com Mirror] Chest by NZ-TK
EVA Shoulder A4 BELAKOR [4shared.com Mirror] Shoulder by BELAKOR


"Oh heavens no! Not the green wire! Anything but the green wire."

EOD Reference Pictures

EOD HELM SUPERTACO [4shared.com Mirror] EOD Helmet by SUPERTACO
(HD)EOD Helmet Slyfo [4shared.com Mirror] EOD Helmet by SLYFO
ReachEOD [4shared.com Mirror] Reach EOD Helmet by Ironium Studios
[SoullessSin Mirror] Helmet by SoullessSin
EOD Chest BELAKOR [4shared.com Mirror] Chest by BELAKOR
EOD Shoulder Letter BELAKOR
[4shared.com Mirror] Shoulder by BELAKOR
(MD)EOD Shoulders Slyfo [4shared.com Mirror] Shoulder by SLYFO


Yes, Now you can haz RECON!

Recon Helmet A4 BELAKOR [4shared.com Mirror] Helmet by BELAKOR
Smooth Recon [4shared.com Mirror] Helmet by BELAKOR Smoothed by Macattack64
Recon Face Add-on BELAKOR [4shared.com Mirror] Face Add-on by BELAKOR
Recon Chest A4 BELAKOR [4shared.com Mirror] HD Chestby L3X BLU3RIV3R
Recon Boxes A4 BELAKOR [4shared.com Mirror] Boxes by BELAKOR
Recon Shoulder BELAKOR [4shared.com Mirror] Shoulder by BELAKOR
Recon Shoulder Size Tester BELAKOR [4shared.com Mirror] Shoulder size tester by BELAKOR
Recon Helmet Detail BELAKOR [4shared.com Mirror] Helmet Detail by BELAKOR


Duct-Battles- A new title to the popular Halo franchise!

CQB-Close Quarters Battles

CQB Reference Pictures


[4shared.com MirrorHelmet by WETOKOLE

(HD)CQB Helmet Robogenesis [4shared.com Mirror] HD Helmet by ROBOGENESIS
CQB HELM SLYFO [4shared.com Mirror] Helmet by SLYFO
CQB FACEPLATE SLYFO [4shared.com Mirror] Faceplate by SLYFO
CQB Chest LH A4 BELAKOR [A4 4shared.com Mirror] LH Chest by BELAKOR
CQB Chest RH A4 BELAKOR [Letter 4shared.com Mirror] RH Chest by BELAKOR
(HD)CQB Chest Add-On Slyfo [4shared.com Mirror] Chest by SLYFO
CQB Shoulder A4 BELAKOR [4shared.com Mirror] Shoulder by BELAKOR
(HD)CQB Left Shoulder Slyfo [4shared.com Mirror] Left Shoulder by SLYFO


Witty remarks and dual knives.

Rogue Reference Pictures

ROGUE HELM NZ-TK [papercraftplaza.com Mirror] Helmet by NZ-TK


Remember, Always be prepared!

Scout Reference Pictures

SCOUT HELM HD NZTK [4shared.com Mirror] Helmet by NZ-TK high detail, smoother


[papercraftplaza.com Mirror] Helmet by NZ-TK low detail, easier
SCOUT SHOULDER LETTER VROGY [4shared.com Mirror] Shoulder by VROGY high detail, smoother


Rent-a-cop? I think not.

Security Reference Pictures

SECURITY HELMET BELAKOR [4shared.com Mirror] Helmet Model By Nugget Unfolded by Belakor
SECURITY VISOR BELAKOR [4shared.com Mirror] Visor Model by Nugget Unfolded by Belakor
(HD)Security Shoulders Vrogy [4shared.com Mirror] Shoulders By Vrogy because he loves you


Hayabusa: A Japanese Totally awsome Halo 3 matchmaking Armor

Hayabusa Reference Pictures

(HD)Hayabusa Chest Add-On SKUPILKINSON [A4 4Shared.com] Model By Skupilkinson Unfolded by Smilie120
Busa Chest [4shared.com Mirror] Chest by Skupilkinson
Hayabusathumb [Letter 4Shared.com] Helmet By Agbates
(HD)Hayabusa Helmet Skupilkinson [4shared.com Mirror] Helmet By Skupilkinson
HAYABUSA SHOULDERS LETTER SUPERTACO [4shared.com Mirror] Shoulders By SuperTaco
Hayabusathumb [Fileice.net] Model by Agbates Edited by Nirvana

[1] tester by tehalozninja

PLEASE NOTE: Do not try and build the blade as i made this mainly for the handle. make the blade from something else.


From Halo Reach are the permutations for the Gungnir 


[Sendspace Mirror]

Helmet by PepMaster

Covenant Armor[]


Best with a couple of plasma grenades.

I still dont get how they're 5 feet tall.

Grunt [4shared.com Mirror] Grunt Armorby Air_Force_Spartan's_Sister


If a Grunt is five feet tall, and the hunter is 12 feet tall wow.

Hunter Helmet

[4shared Mirror] Helmet by abrant3

Hunter Torso [4shared Mirror] Torso by abrant3
Hunter Right Shoulder [4shared Mirror] Right Shoulder by abrant3
Hunter Left Shoulder [4shared Mirror] Left Shoulder by abrant3
Hunter Right Arm [4shared Mirror] Assault Cannon by abrant3
Hunter Left Forearm [4shared Mirror] Left Forearm by abrant3
Hunter Shield [4shared Mirror] Shield by abrant3
Hunter Stomach Plate [4shared Mirror] Stomach Plate by abrant3
Hunter Codpiece [4shared Mirror] Codpiece by abrant3
Hunter Codpiece Tester [4shared Mirror] Codpiece Tester by abrant3
Hunter Left Shin [4shared Mirror] Left Shinby abrant3
Hunter Left Thigh [4shared Mirror] Left Thigh by abrant3
Hunter Boot [4shared Mirror] Boot by abrant3
Hunter Spines [4shared Mirror] Spines by abrant3

Forerunners (Halo Legends Edition)[]

For those of you who think dressing as Master Chief isn't being epic enough...

Forerunner helm reg
[Mediafire Hosted] Helmet (HD) Modeled By GMer56 Unfolded by WRsing
Forerunner helm tester [Mediafire Hosted] Helmet Tester Modeled By GMer56 by WRsing
Forerunner gun Mediafire Hosted] Gun Modeled By GMer56 Unfolded by WRsing


Pepakura isn't the best medium to build weapon props in, but maybe it can be a stepping stone to better methods

NOTE: If you're fiberglassing weapons, you will have to fill in the insides so it isn't hollow, otherwise you'll get a blob shaped like a gun.

NOTE: I recommend you use a small amount of expanding foam.


Covenant Weapon Reference Pictures

PlasmaRifle Letter RVB4LIFE

[Sendspace Mirror] Plasma coil di 

Rifle by RVB4LIFE

PlasmaPistol Letter ROBOGENESIS [4shared.com Mirror] Plasma Pistol by ROBOGENESIS
Carbine Letter DF4L [4shared.com Mirror] Carbine by DF4L

Grenade Plasma GARLAND

[Sendspace Mirror]Plasma Grenade by GARLAND

Bruteshot [1-Piece 4shared Mirror] [Multi-part 4shared Mirror] Brute Shot By bevbor

Grenade Spike GARLAND

[4shared Mirror] Spike Grenadeby GARLAND Warning: Can crash pepakura
Gravity Hammer Gravity Hammer By unknown
Energy sword

[4shared Mirror] Energy Sword Unfolded by tehalozninja

[Sendspace Mirror] Clean Unfold Edit by PepMaster

Picture [4shared.com Mirror]Gravity Hammer By Daniel Gray


UNSC Weapon Reference Pictures

AssaultRifle A4 FS [Mediafire Mirror] MA5B Assault Rifle by FLYING SQUIRL
M6D QUIXAND-PROP [4shared Mirror] M6D Pistol by wyatt croxtan
SRS99CS2AMB SniperRifle Letter RVB4LIFE [4shared Mirror] SRS99D Sniper Rifle by RVB4LIFE

SpartanLaser Letter Nugget

[4shared mirror] Spartan Laser model by NUGGET unfolded by RAL PARTHA
BattleRifle Letter CLOWNPUNCHER [4shared Mirror] BR55 Battle Rifle by CLOWNPUNCHER
Shotgun Letter NUGGET [4shared Mirror] M90 Shotgun by rvb4Life
Grenade Flame GARLAND [4shared Mirror] Flame Grenade by GARLAND
Pep SMG [4shared Mirror] M7 SMG by LIONHEART912
Missile Pod Pic [4shared.com Mirror] Missile Pod by The King Cobra
Grenade Frag GARLAND

[4shared Mirror] Grenade by GARLAND

HD Weapons[]

With more detail comes more difficulty. Do you have what it takes?

HD MA5C RoadWarrior

WMHunterTLS ODST Magnum

High Detail ODST Magnum

[4Shared.com Mirror] Model by WMHunterTLS

Battle Rifle by bevbor

Battle Rifle

[4shared.com Mirror] Model by Bevbor



Pepakura vehicles are almost unheard of, but here's two anyways.

Btw, the scorpion is pretty easy.

Warthog [4shared.com Mirror] Warthog (full) by Bevboh
Scorpion tank [4Shared.com Mirror] Scorpion Tank by Bevbor


Every warrior needs equipment!

Assault bomb FIXED

Bomb By Slyfo The NEW way to play Grif Ball!

Tripmine [4shared.com Mirror] Proximity Mine By RUN DOWN


Halo 2 Activation Index [Deviant Art] By Billybob884


[4shared Mirror]Monitor By JediFraz Greetings! I am 343 Guilty Spark. I am the monitor of installation 04.

↑some pepakura authors don't allow re-posting of their files. These files are under a creative commons license and should not be redistributed unless approved by the authors.
