Halo Costuming Wiki

Weapons Hub Entry[]

Magnum Halo 3 Magnum

Also referred to as the "M6G Personal Defense Weapon System".

According to information found on Halopedia, this single-handed (dual wieldable) Pistol is 26.70 cm (10.5 in.) long and weighs 2.7 kg (5.95 lbs)when empty, and 2.95 kg (6.5 lbs) when loaded.

Further Storyline information is availible here: Halopedia Information Page (external link)


See how members of the 405th Forums approached the creation of their own Magnums, on their own WIP's, and how some of them looked when completed, when they were shown off.

Blueprints are availible on the 405th Forums: [Wizard of Flight's Blueprints]

Pep files (.pdo's) may be availible: Pepakura_File_Index#UNSC


A Reference Pack is availible (hosted by vrogy): [Magnum Reference Pack]

A Picture_Pack is still needed for this item.

To my knowledge, no 3d models (other than pep) are currently available for this item. If you are aware of any, please add a link to them from this page.