Sorry I used your page and helped someone and using this blog to message you but I was wondering if I needed permission to answer questions on pages. Thanks
hey i decided to use the spi helmet for my suit and was wondering if anyone has the chest or sholders for this suit?
odst info
the meaning of a odst is Orbital Drop Shock Trooper [[Category:Odst are pretty much just like marines there just like your averige solder but they first started in halo 1 with the halo 1 marine armor . Then to halo 2 armor .Then to halo 3 armor now known as the halo 3 odst armor . There weapons are the Assault Rifle and the Battle Rifle ,the Magnum ,the Rocket Launcher,the Shotgun, the Sniper Rifle,the Missile Pod , the Heavy Machine Gun and last but not least the Flamethrower only in campaign mode. Now the UNSC Vehicles the first and only one the Mongoose. Now types of odst armor First is the odst, Then the UNSC Marine St.Johnson,Now the Marine pilot,Last but not least the UNSC Section Offices. Thanks for reading my blog on odsts and the …
Mauler or Beam Rifle ?
I love all the great work people have been doing on the weapons especialy the hd weapons and something i would love to see is a mauler pdo or maybe even a beam rifle i think theyve been absent long enough if anyone is wiling lets get it done !
software needed
can anyone tell me what software you need to open the blueprint files exept pepakura
i've just started building my helmet but am also picking out the rest of the suit.
i want to build all HD models but i cannot find any HD THIGHS or SHINS anywhere.
i've been on the 405 site and i've seen other people build them.
i'm just wondering why its not posted on the index.